Category Archives: Uncategorized


Last night, the ERRF board were special guests on the Friday Night 3D Printing Community Hangout. We officially announced the dates of ERRF! It turned out that wasn’t the most fascinating part of the episode. Be sure to keep watching to hear about Jason Preuss and all his wonderful creations!

Heart Helix DNA Inspired Pendants Back on Etsy!

In March, I had the delight of selling my last in stock Heart Helix Pendant to a pair of sisters who discovered each other… via 23andMe! It was a thrill to have my pendant be a part of their very first meeting. I did order a few more and those pendants are back in stock. You can find them on my Etsy site in Plated Gold, Plated Rose Gold, and Plated Rhodium (which looks like silver)

Heart Helix Pendant in Plated Gold, Plated Rose Gold, and Plated Rhodium

Derby Encouragement from Kai Wener

Sagan has gotten lots of touching messages and words of encouragement regarding The Orville 3D Printed Derby Car. This is one of my favorites– from the day of the derby:

Happy Anniversary #F3DPCH!

Tonight was the one year anniversary of the Friday 3D Printing Community Hangout! A number of special guests were in the hangout tonight including Heather Womack of #3DPinkMafia fame, Lauren from Abuzz Designs, and even Tessa from SparkyFace5. What a delightful event. I showed up late, but very much enjoyed seeing everyone!

For more details on future Friday Night 3DP Community Hangouts, follow @F3DPCH on Twitter.


Washington Post Highlights the Rockledge Ornament!


I had the honor of 3D Modeling and 3D Printing another ornament to represent the Town of Occoquan for the holidays at the Virginia Executive Mansion.

An article about the ornament appeared in the Prince William section of the Washington Post today.  You can read the full article at

Fun with Gyro Cubes!

I recently uploaded my remix Gyro Cube to Thingiverse! That’s up at It includes three files:

  1. A “Print in Place” version where all the spheres print in position and work as soon as you remove support material.
  2. A “Snap in Place” version where all the spheres print directly on the bed and you snap them into position after printing.
  3. All the OpenSCAD code for future remixes.

My version is a remix of smorloc’s Big Nippled Parametric Gyro Cube ( which in turn is a remix of whosawhatsis’s Parametric Gyro Cube ( A remix of a remix!This video hits on a bunch of things:
1) Using Simplify3D’s Mesh-Separate Connected Surfaces to preview and get a feel for the connections of the existing Gyro Cube models.

  1. My modifications to the Big Nippled Gyro Cube , my thought process behind my new connections, and printing the spheres in place.
  2. Using Simplify3D’s Cross Section View to determine good stopping points for embedding the spheres within each other and
    using Multiple Processes to achieve a five color Gyro Cube on my single extruder machine.
  3. Since my family is completely in love with Pokémon Go, I also go over using Multiple Processes and the Print-in-Place version of in Simplify3D to make a Pokeball Gyro Cube.
  4. Passing on a tip from TimeFramed from the Big Thick Gyro Cube V2 ( and incorporating a vertical lift to my retractions.

Custom GCode Scripts for Embedded Spheres
G91; relative mode
G1 Z100; lift 100mm

G90; absolute mode

Processes for Embedded Spheres
(From smallest to largest)
Sphere 1
-One process for the whole thing

Sphere 2
-0 – 40 mms
-Insert Sphere 1
-40mms on

Sphere 3
-0 – 50 mms
-Insert Sphere 2
-50mms on

Sphere 4
-0 – 60 mms
-Insert Sphere 3
-60mms on

Sphere 5
– 0 – 71 mms
– Insert Sphere 4
– 71 mms on

Custom GCode Scripts for Pokémon Go
(When starting I add calls to purge the nozzle due to color changes)

G91; relative mode
G1 Z100; lift 100mm

G90 ; absolute mode
G92 E0 ; zero extruder
G1 E25 F225 ; purge nozzle
G92 E0 ; zero extruder

Processes for Pokémon Go
– 0 – 35mm – White
– 35mm – 45mm – Black
– 45mm – 80mm – Red